Rochdale Old Road, Bury, Lancashire, BL9 7SD

0161 764 1559

Fairfield Community Primary School

Happiness and High Standards


 The Governing Body

The governing body is a group of volunteers nominated by Bury LA, elected by parents or staff at the school or appointed by the governors. It works with the head teacher to decide the strategic direction of the school, to manage the budget and to raise standards in all areas of school life. The governors want all our children to have the best possible education within the ‘Happiness and High Standards’ Fairfield framework.

The full Governing Body meets once a term and we have sub-committees which meet once a term or as necessary.    

Please find below more information about governance and the team of governors at Fairfield   




Information for School Governors


 Governor Structure Overview Website January 2025.pdfDownload
 Governors statement of behaviour principles 2024.pdfDownload
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