Rochdale Old Road, Bury, Lancashire, BL9 7SD

0161 764 1559

Fairfield Community Primary School

Happiness and High Standards

Narwhals Year 4


Welcome to the Narwhals page. 

On this page we will share the exciting things we learn about, the places we go and the events we take part in. Key information about the curriculum can also be found on the Curriculum Overview page. 

Teacher: Miss Pursglove

Teaching Assistants: Mrs. Testa, Miss O'Neill, Miss Oghagbon

School opens at 8.45am.

School finishes at 3.15pm.

P.E Days - Wednesday and Friday (plain black shorts or joggers, plain white T shirt, school jumper or cardigan, sensible trainers)

Homework - Times Table RockstarsSpelling ShedMaths Shed (Quiz)

Please remember to sign your child's reading record when they read at home, thank you :) 

Welcome to Year 4

Miss Pursglove is our teacher, whilst Mrs. Testa, Miss O'Neill, Miss Oghagbon support us with our learning. We strive to keep to our school motto, 'Happiness and High Standards'. In our classwork, we do this by trying our hardest in all that we do, and presenting our work carefully. We also make sure that we treat others how we would like to be treated- with kindness and care. 

Our Y4 Overview


This year, the children will be  taking part in experience sessions, developing their vocabulary and practising using different stylistic devices in their writing.  All of the 'sentence stacking' lessons lead to an independent piece of writing at the end of each unit. 

During our writing lessons, we will cover a range of genres: narrative, non-fiction and poetry units. 


In Y4, we love maths! This year is particularly important as we have a times table check at the end of the year.  For more information, please check out the government website.  In order for the children to develop their multiplication skills, we will be practising and consolidating all their times tables throughout the year.   You can help with this at home in a variety of ways: accessing TT rockstars using your child's login, play Hit the Button on Topmarks website, quick fire questions (in and out of order) and singing songs!  Here are a list of songs we will be using in class, but feel free to use your own!


2x table song          5x table song        10x table song        3x table song        4x table song            8x table song

Knowledge Organisers

Click here for Geography knowledge organiser for Autumn Term

Year 4 End of Year Expectations

 Maths expectations Year 4.pdfDownload
 Reading expectations - Year 4.pdfDownload
 Writing expectations Year 4.pdfDownload
Showing 1-3 of 3

Previous Years

Our Learning 2021-2022

In English, we will be studying the traditional version of Cinderella written over three hundred years ago! Then, we will write with a modern twist by adapting the period, characters and settings. Together, we will study the villain Cruella de Vil and learn how to write biographical interviews. In poetry, we will write riddles about the heroes and villains we study across the term. For our non-fiction writing project, we will write about the real life heroes that have helped our country.

In Mathematics, we will explore the value of numbers up a thousand and beyond. Using our knowledge of place value, we will develop efficient methods of addition, subtraction and multiplication. We will also study the times tables in great depth and learn how multiplication and division are interconnected.

In Science, our focus will be plants. We will learn how to identify the functions of the different parts of a flowering plant and explore how they are classified. We will then conduct scientific investigations to observe how water travels through plants and experiment by placing plants in a range of environments to compare their growth before writing reports of our findings.

In Art we will be working on sketching technique and self-portraits. We will research famous artists who drew self-portraits and try to understand the themes behind their artwork. Together, we will observe and study the proportions and symmetry of faces before applying our new skills towards drawing the human face.

Gods and Mortals


Our new topic this term is Gods and Mortals. For our 'wow' experience, we went on a hunt for Greek symbols. Miss Miller gave us a map for us to find the symbols around the playground, which turned out to be the Greek alphabet.

We came back to class and had to try and translate the Greek alphabet into English. The message was 'Chill Out'. We knew we had to investigate! When we arrived, we found some interesting images that gave clues about the Greek god, Zeus!

Take a look at these monologues that the children created in the role of Greek gods and goddesses.

Bolton Museum!

To end our experience in Egypt class, we revisited our learning from the beginning of the year.

We visited Bolton Museum and had a fantastic time! We think the museum staff were impressed with our knowledge about Egypt! As well as learning about Egypt, we got to learn about animals and sea creatures from around the world, famous artwork and the history of the museum itself.

Have a look at the pictures below to see how much fun we had.

How Does Your Garden Grow?

We have been learning all about plants.

We have found out what plants need to be able to grow, what the different parts of a plant are for and how water is transported through plants.

Watch this interesting demonstration of how water is transported through plants.

We learned about what each part of a plant is for.

We dissected real plants and described the function of each part.

The Iron Man

In the second half of the Spring term, we became scientists! We learned all about forces and we conducted experiments to see how surfaces can cause different levels of friction. We also tested materials to see which ones are magnetic.

As well as this, we became inventors and created our own moving robots!

It's been a very busy half term!

Rock and Roll!

This half term, we have been learning all about rocks.

We created a giant volcano and fossil, found out how volcanoes erupt and we learned about rock types by categorising chocolates into sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic rock (can you guess which bit was our favourite?). 

The Romans

Our final topic of the Autumn term was all about the Romans.

We have learned about the impact that the Romans had on Britain, including finding out who Boudicca was and the bravery she showed against the Romans.

We also learned about the different countries that the Romans invaded and we even drew sketches of the Colosseum!

To end our topic, we wrote non-chronological reports to show what we had learned and to help inform others about the Romans.

World War One

How would you feel if you were a soldier in World War One?

We have been learning about the soldiers' lives in WW1. We created our own battlefield in the hall to develop our empathy towards those that risked their lives for us. We thought of a plan of attack, prepared our ammunition and battled until Britain won!

The Final Frontier

In our next topic, The Final Frontier, we learned all about space, shadows and light and dark. We made models to help us  understand how the Earth moves and we conducted experiments to see how shadows can change in different ways.


At the start of the year, we learned all about our class country, Egypt. We learned about the River Nile, wrote our names in hieroglyphics and even made our own coffins! After this, we did some writing to persuade people to go to Egypt by writing about all of the interesting things we had learned about.